The Latest VancouverSide

192115 since February 22nd, 2013

The Vancouver Side is counting down their top 10 most viral videos EVER! 

Gary Bock, Jim Mains and Harrison Lynch have created nearly 100 videos since 2011. This month they countdown the top 10 most viral videos.  Join the boys on March 25 at the Kiggins Theatre as they premier their latest Vancouver Side on the big screen followed by Hello Vancouver!
Countdown Number 2 -Try

Pink - Try Music Video /  Submission by the Vancouver Side,

Written by Jim Mains & Harrison Lynch
Directed & Edited by Harrison Lynch
Filmed by Harrison Lynch & Nick McCollom
Featuring Gary Bock & Jim Mains

Disclaimer - this video is used for educational and artistic purpose. Not used for sale or resale.

View and comment on YouTube.

“Our community conquistadors.”
– Lou Brancaccio, The Columbian

“These guys are seriously nuts! ”
– Pat Jollota, 2012 First Citizen

“Almost criminally inane.”
– Sheriff Garry Lucas, Clark County

“This is the team that brought Vancouver its most successful, and possibly its first, guerrilla fundraiser-slash-online-community-spectacle ”
– Northbank Magazine

“A widely popular, hyper-local video blog.”
– Broadsheet360

“Vancouver’s Dudes ”
– The Columbian

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